Key Considerations in QCCO Cases Judges are generally very well versed in procedure and the substantive area of domestic relations, but no one is an expert in all subject areas
Key Considerations in QCCO Cases Judges are generally very well versed in procedure and the substantive area of domestic relations, but no one is an expert in all subject areas
Key Considerations in QILDRO Cases Judges are generally very well versed in procedure and the substantive area of domestic relations, but no one is an expert in all subject areas
The Value Of A Pension A pension plan is a defined benefit retirement account. It pays the Member or Participant a set amount of money (a defined benefit) for the
Surviving Spouse Benefits And Divorce IMRF If you participate in the Illinois Municipal Retirement Fund or IMRF, if you divorce after retirement and were married for at least 1 year
Out of State Divorce and QILDRO You just entered your client’s Divorce Decree or Judgment for Dissolution of Marriage or Consent Degree in a State other than Illinois. Maybe you
Marital Portion Your client worked as a teacher in the Chicago Public Schools, CPS and participated in the CTPF, or in another Illinois school district and participated in the TRS.
What Is Marital/Community Part Of A Pension? In Illinois, and in most courts through the country, a divorce judge only has jurisdiction over marital or community property. This means that a
Refunds From Pension Plans Members of many public pensions, including TRS, IMRF, SURS, SERS, CTPF, and others, at times can have their contributions refunded. Some of the most common refunds
QILDRO Form – Section By Section Explanation A Qualified Illinois Domestic Relations Order (QILDRO) must include all elements specified by statute. Most large Plan Administrators in Illinois, including those in
How To Divide Pension Interest: The Hunt Formular Whether you are in Chicago, its suburbs or outside of Illinois, dividing pension plans in a divorce is a question of math.