The Attorney


QILDRO, INC. Founder, Attorney, Thomas P. Miller. I am an experienced attorney, mediator and litigator. I pride myself on my professionalism and availability to my clients. I have been practicing family law, and specifically dividing retirement and pension plans pursuant to divorce for over 20 years.
In that time, I have handled countless Qualified Domestic Relations Order (QDRO) cases and Qualified Illinois Domestic Relations Order (QILDRO) cases.
These cases run the gamut of simple, one time court appearance by agreement, to argument about appropriate division, contempt proceedings against a non-cooperating party, hearing when the Marital Settlement Agreement language is unclear and appeal to the Illinois Appellate Court. I have written countless briefs as an advocate for one party and as expert in cases outside of Illinois that involved an Illinois State pensions.
When necessary we bring in a respected actuary as expert. On the other hand, I am often hired for my expertise, or just to handle the pension plan division or provide language to be used in a case handled by your primary attorney. As retirees leave Illinois for other, often warmer states, and divorce there, we handle the QILDRO process in Illinois. We work with attorneys as much as directly with the parties.
In short, you choose what you need from QILDRO, INC., and you can be assured that there is substantial experience and knowledge behind our advice. There are truly many incredible attorneys out there, but fact is that few are knowledgeable and comfortable in this particular area, that of QDRO’s and QILDRO’s.
Professionally, I have led my own firm for nearly 10 years. Prior, I was a partner in another firm, where I started as an associate attorney.
I graduated from the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign with a Bachelor of Science with a double major in Psychology and Political Science, and completed my Juris Doctor degree at the DePaul University College of Law in 2000. Since then, I have been practicing law.
Tom is licensed to practice by the State of Illinois.